Welcome to your personalized, prioritized Values Assessment! By identifying your values, you gain insight into what is most significant in your life at this time. This exercise helps you determine your top ten values in order of importance. It’s essential to know that values don’t work side-by-side, rather, there is a hierarchy to them which makes them function in a single-file line, with one value leading the way.
This prioritized order impacts your decision-making, so it’s beneficial to know how your values line up. Not only do you expand your understanding of what drives your decisions, you are also able to get a new perspective about the circumstances in your life. This shift leads to more fulfillment and less frustration. The assessment has 3 easy steps - get started now by following the instructions below!
From the list below, check as many words that resonate and represent what is of core importance to you. At the end of the list is a button for you to add any value that is not included, so personalize away! You can always go back by clicking on the back button on the top, left side of the screen any time during the assessment.
Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong values, and no value is any better or worse than another. Select words according to who you are, not who you think you should be.