You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3

Below are resources that can help you know-how to attain them.
Making a difference begins with making a difference in yourself first.
Self-leadership is the starting place for everyone,
and God wants to be the biggest part of that!

Podcast Series: Connect the Dots with Coach Karyn
If you have ever asked yourself, “What am I here for?” Or, “How am I supposed to use the gifts God’s given me?” Well, you’re in the right place! This series will help you explore your mission, vision and purpose. By listening in as I coach someone else to their mission, you may gain your own direction, clarity and peace. With a mission statement you’ll also know when to say yes and when to say no, which reduces stress and builds margin in your life.
So, leave stuck, or confused behind and follow along to figure out your own God-given mission this side of heaven.
Listen on all podcast platforms.
Note: Great to experience with a Small Group!
Podcast Series: Witness & Ponder with Coach Karyn.
This audio space is meant to be a more convenient way for you to ponder why you do what you do, learn ways to do what you want to do, as well as witness inspiring accounts of others who have already figured it out. Through rich stories and direct coaching prompts, you’ll be able to increase the difference you’re making too!
So while you’re driving, exercising, or doing anything else where you can engage your auditory learning, tune in on all podcast platforms and venture into internal spaces that will lead you to more emotional and spiritual harmony.
Listen on all podcast platforms.
Note: Each episode is ideal Small Group material to discuss and grow in community with others!
A personal mission statement identifies the way God has created you to contribute to the world. Moreover, it provides peace around your purpose, and gives you clarity and confidence to make a difference in the right way, and in the right places.
In 5 thoughtful steps the Connect the Dots online training will reveal:
What You Do Well
Who You Are Meant to Serve
What Motivates You Most
God built you for a purpose. So discover
His calling on your life today, by enrolling in Connect the Dots.
If you had a choice, would you rather respond or react? If you’ve ever regretted doing or saying something because you reacted too fast, “Don’t Push My Buttons!” is for you! Unlearning emotional reactivity begins with knowing what your emotional buttons are. The good news is that there are only 3 buttons and we all share the same ones.
Knowing what your buttons are, and developing the proffered emotional intelligence skills, that build self-awareness and self-regulation, will help you to operate above your feelings. So, click here and say goodbye to reacting, and say hello to a best self that responds with an intelligent self-control that helps you look more like Christ.
Note: Small group questions are included so you can experience it with others!
Values define and shape who we are. What many don’t know is that they have a
pecking order that impacts our decisions and ultimately our happiness.
Do you know what your values are, and which specific one steers your life?
Find out now by taking my free Values Assessment, then follow it up by watching a short Values Tutorial.
Christian meditation is different that Eastern meditation. In Christian meditation we fill our minds with Scripture and the name of our Savior. Meditation is Biblical:
- The Psalms are full of direction to meditate on God’s word; Psalm 119 alone, mentions meditating on God’s teaching 3 different times.
- In Joshua 1:8, sandwiched in between verses that say be strong and courageous, Joshua says to meditate on God’s word day and night.
In 10 minutes you can relax, realign, and connect with God. This Christian meditation brings physical relaxation to your entire body, with a focus on being still before the Lord. It includes times of relaxation, scripture meditation and quiet time with God. So, take a quick break, connect with God and re-energize your body, mind, heart and soul.
This relaxation meditation is designed to bring self-awareness and relaxation to your body. Christian meditation is a spiritual discipline that develops concentration, focus, mindfulness and intimacy with God. Just click on the image to begin!
This meditation provides reflective questions about your self care.
Self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a responsibility to our entire being. What does self-care look like in your body, mind, heart and soul? This matters because it’s not just about us. The Holy Spirit indwells in each of these spaces and everyone in our lives are impacted by how well we do this.
Self-care reduces stress, increases insights, resilience and better connects us with God and others. If you want to be less irritable and more patient and loving, then attend to how you are caring for yourself…and begin with experiencing this meditation!
Just click on the image to begin!
This is a Christmas meditation that gives you the gift of stillness and reflection. You will be taught to do a breath prayer that is used with Scripture throughout the meditation. It’s a celebration of the Babe in the manger and our mighty God, and will leave you with more peace.
Just click on the image to begin!