Life Coaching
What happens to your purpose when you don’t have the space to live it out? What happens when you’re considered a non-essential part of the world’s infrastructure? It’s no secret that most of us derive our identity from what we do, so during these times, when we may be unable to “do”, how and where … Read more
Ripped and torn and scattered and broken; that is the landscape in the aftermath of the deadly tornado that left a swath of destruction from Nashville to Cookeville, TN. As if it decided to take a drive down Interstate 40, it is marked as a black horizontal dash on the map. That dash reflects so … Read more
A sharply delivered retort, much like a pointy arrow, came sailing my way. It was from a friend who was in the midst of a technical issue, just hours before a women’s event we were part of. “That would have been a great idea a week ago,” she snapped, dismissing my solution, as she persisted … Read more
Why am I here? Has that weighty question about your purpose ever settled over you? It’s a question that philosophers through the ages have tackled. There are many different views, however all views agree that purpose is a big deal. As Christians, our view is shaped by the good news of the work of Christ. … Read more
How do you walk out Christian humility? God has me admiring the type of humility that godly leaders with a platform, entrepreneurial or non-profit business, ministry, or creatives form. What do all these roles have in common? These Christians point people to Jesus with way more visibility on themselves than most of us. The artist, … Read more
How are you feeling? Most of us use a variation of three words to describe what we’re feeling: mad, sad, and glad. It’s easy to think that these three words cover all our emotional bases, but in reality we are feeling so much more! What’s the big deal? you might think. Why would it even … Read more
Life is fast! Days and months just fly by and sometimes I’m left holding the bag of regret about what I had hoped to do, or accomplish, in the aftermath of that season. For most of us, the start of a new year comes with a future-focused mindset. So, I wanted to capitalize on this … Read more
I distinctly remember the call when it came in. The surprising, lopsided, and inconceivable call that ruffled my feathers. Ten years ago, I was mindlessly shopping at an Office Depot in Chicago after a long day at work. As I was tiredly hanging on to my shopping cart and shuffling through the store, a call … Read more