Why am I here? Has that weighty question about your purpose ever settled over you? It’s a question that philosophers through the ages have tackled. There are many different views, however all views agree that purpose is a big deal. As Christians, our view is shaped by the good news of the work of Christ. … Read more


Life is fast!  Days and months just fly by and sometimes I’m left holding the bag of regret about what I had hoped to do, or accomplish, in the aftermath of that season. For most of us, the start of a new year comes with a future-focused mindset. So, I wanted to capitalize on this … Read more


I distinctly remember the call when it came in. The surprising, lopsided, and inconceivable call that ruffled my feathers. Ten years ago, I was mindlessly shopping at an Office Depot in Chicago after a long day at work. As I was tiredly hanging on to my shopping cart and shuffling through the store, a call … Read more